Thursday, February 21, 2019

A Day in the Life of Me Essay

Welcome to the deportment of me, Jo Compton. There is no topic special around(predicate) me Im just a normal, mundane person exclusively I thought I would introduce you into the real world. I am a man with no qualifications trying to be every(prenominal) whizz that I am not. I try not to unholy my failure in this complicated world on bothone hardly if I had to I would blame my old college that social variationctiond to be a mental comprise in its early days, then I didnt take any recognise but looking back it seems a bit dubious that an institute for the mentally ill being converted into a school.My college was absolutely wicked the teachers had no control over the pupils you could swear at the teachers and they wouldnt make it knocked out(p) any punishments as if to say that it is right to disrespect those who ar trying to help you for the future but the only strong matter slightly the college was that they had excellent sports program with some of the best sport s facilities in capital of the United Kingdom this is mainly due(p) to government resources because we were an under achieving school.Well, as Ive already told you my name is Jo Compton and I alert in Whitechapel, those who arent familiar to this adjust it is near the heart of the great city capital of the United Kingdom (great disappointment). Whitechapel is a workings class area where everything looks the same, each block of level(p)s appears the spitting image of the other, for exercising if I told you to concentrate on a block of flats and then spun you near you wouldnt deliver a clue which flats you were looking at.I do indeed live in one of those individual looking flats, my flat has the bare necessities with a lounge which could fool you as being a Tate Modern exhibition as all four walls are a blisteringly stunning white with a television thats sits in the box blasting sounds measuring up to 30 decibels, two double sit sofas that equivalent to the Skoda Fabia in the sofa industry and lastly a prorogue that some how has managed to maintain hold of all its unique four legs plane after reviving it from previous owner with a five leaf discount. consequently in that locations the kitchen with units that date back to the 70s and 80s make from the cheap MDF wood covered in a marble plastic coated affect that looks analogous potty smeared over pieces of wood.The kitchen in any case consists of other objects believe it or not, firstly theres the cooker that is calling out for attention as it hardly sees any correspondion because the battered thing has a tendency to cause mini fires so Id rather eat the ingredients raw than use the cooker as it is probably a lot more safer but to control this problem I bought a second hand microwave as I couldnt afford a new one which made my life a lot easier wondering how to prepare my food but directly it is a forgotten task. Lastly in the kitchen are the mismatching utensils to invest a more contempor ary feel to my already designer house.These houses greet as much as playing Lotto which is a king-sized advantage as all the house prices around the country are increasing rapidly except guess where, yep Whitechapel. Why? You may ask, it is due to several reasons why no-one wants to move to this dump. Firstly the car congestion is perhaps the worst in the country with the maximum speed at salubrious up-nigh 6 miles per hour not that the government has enforced this speed notion upon the motorists it just that it isnt possible to go any faster because the declamatory number of cars on the road meaning that no motorist discharge get above second gear as it would be superfluous because youll probably come upon the dreaded traffic lights or waiting for some twat in a big convey or jeep, also scared to squeeze by dint of a gap slo come ong us shoot even more and not forgetting the air pollution that is the likes of existent in a smokers club where all the factory chimneys ac t like the cigarettes and the factory owners as the smokers with us being the passive smokers having to conduct with their incessant huffing and puffing, the effluence is so bad that it would only be appropriate to be twinned with Chernobyl, it just doesnt seem sporty that with invite to suffer while the pollutants live in their 5-bed inhabit house relaxing in their Jacuzzi sipping champagne laughing at us, even if they worked hard through their school years and got good qualifications what to the highest degree those who were deprived of a by rights education.If I had my way I would lock all the ignorant pollutants in a live and filter their ignorance within so they kindle give up a glimpse of how we live our lives everyday suffering from their constant contaminant of Mother Earth. Another problem that degrades Whitechapel and capital of the United Kingdom is that it seems that the government attempt to fit the whole country in this one area devising it confined and rep ellent to look at, this also contributes to the congestion within Whitechapel and London you could compare this situation to a person who likes to be a perfectionist for manikin a purist builds and paints a model aeroplane which turns out to be good job but this isnt enough for them only excellence forget do so they keep adding to it until they over do it and the aeroplane turns out to be crap this is the circumstances that has fallen upon Whitechapel and London.I become to furnish Whitechapel some credit this was the place of my birth in the Great London Hospital on September the twenty-third of 1977, those were the days, a person could live their lives with hardly any hassle only the odd couple of bills, they didnt pass on to worry about being sued for absurd reasons like dropping a pen, the air was heavenly compared to straightaways filth that we inhale, in those days cars seemed to be a gift from God but this instant we merchantman see that it was a gift in disguise from daystar to bring the world slowly to a stand still pickings us back a century.I hope this rather bulky passage of writing has enlightened you of the real world and of the real people, what they take up to endure and cope with each day of their lives. Count yourself lucky when living your life forget the little bad things that may happen in one day just remember that the real people in this world have to hack through much tougher ordeals each day, praying that they win the Lotto and dont have to live their repulsive life any more.A day in the life of me Essay blare BEEP CRASH (The alarm clock hits the wall) it must be 630 am, (I think that 630 should not even have an AM ). Then I think to my self passs shouldnt have alarm-clocks going off on them but of course it is not a calendar weekend its a Moany Monday Morning. On a Monday every one wants to know where the weekend has gone especially ME and all I can think about is Saturday night, when I was having a conversation with Sam. Lovely, lovely Sam.Then all I can hear is my mum shouting up the stairs KIMBERLEY KIMBERLEY As I have a glimpse of my clock I encounter out of my get on and start to jump about on the bathroom floor mainly because its very cold. Then as I am doing this I jump into a lovely cranky bath and before I can even think about it. Its seven oclock and of this is the time I should be leaving. So as I am running out of the bathroom, I arrogate my dreary uni row, which I have worn for 4 years now (Unfortunately, Yes ) And hurry to put it on.I am throwing my bag on my shoulder joint and running out the door to see my bus go belt along past me but I still make it the bus in time because some one has got off the only good thing about this day so far I step on the same bus as always with the same people as always and the same people are half asleep as always and as Im on the way to the service department I see Tasha and henna they come running up to me. Henna jumps at me (and she is not a l ight person either ) so I hastily get my lunch and leave from Beaverwood as I leave, I get a bad feeling and YES.I am right I have left my very, very over-due science cooking at home plate My first custody of the day and of the year. I have not even got in I have already got detention fun, fun, fun As I flip up Beaverwood road, I hear a familiar voice it is Charlotte and so I walk up with her. After talking to her for 10minites Alison turns up to remind me about the Geography canvas that Ive got 1st lesson and of course I havent rewrite and I dont have my folder with me. I am in trouble. And not forgetting science and thats second lesson.Then the 830 bell goes so I begrudgingly walk into my grad room for another fun time with hightail it joice my form tutor. The rest of my form walks in, in front of me I sit and talk to kirsty for 25 minutes. In this time I find out exactly what she has done this weekend and when Alison asks me whether I have done the maths homework, all I c an say is what do you think? As the bell goes I walk upstairs to geography with Laura as I walk in Miss Aslett announces that we are going to do the test on Wednesday instead of today and for the first time to day some thing has gone right. unless she hands us our homework back from last week. I did not get a very good mark on well I was trying to do it in Fridays ICT lesson And I did have a bit of trouble especially as I was do my ICT coursework at the same time . As I take cipher notice in my geography lesson, I think About my Spanish Module which is during out lesson. The bell goes saved by the bell then break I blow over sitting in my form room mucking about with my mates and trying to eat but when Karen around that leave alone never happen After break my second favourite lesson maths.This week we are doing display work it is all colouring in so it is easy and I show Alison that lovely homework she would not barricado going on about. Next, I plod off to Spanish when I have my Spanish Module test, which I do really well in . at the same time having fun with henna, tasta, Laura and Sarah. It is always fun in Spanish because we joke Mrs Wales around because we are nice like that At the end of the lesson Miss announces our results I get full mark and I didnt even revise and Miss gives everyone with full mark a housepoint .I do not even collect them any more so they are really useful After Spanish, I have to go to my technology room to do my work, which usually takes me until about 2pm but today Mr Harris gives me some help so it only takes me until 1. 45pm. I sit and chat to him at the same time he also helps me with my homework so I do not have to do it at home thus allowing me to go out at the weekend. Because I have tech last lesson I leave my bags in his room, so I do not need to carry them back and forth from my form room.I leave his room and run to my form room and nearly fall over in the process after form it back t until o tech in which I spend an hour doing absolutely nothing well if talking counts then I did do something At 315pm I leave the room and run to catch the bus. Once on the bus I throw my bags down and go to the front to talk to the driver Malcolm and the teacher thats on duty. The bus leaves to take us all back to our lovely fervid houses I get off the bus at Elmstead and walk home which takes 10- 15 minutes when I get home I go straight in the bath then get dress I watch television. At 10pm, I go to sleep until

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