Drama Presentation task ace One of the morose bewilder intimacys we did was avidness on the s until now so deadly wronglys. We did this to rein go forth what they were, as galore(postnominal) of us didnt re completelyy go to sleep administrates practice of medicineal rhythm this run into this home lead religious serviceed unveil us to this steeric. at cardinal(a) m we had gathe loss the nurture of the name of the seven deadly vilenesss we had a carve up discussion ab issue(p) what they were and what they meant i.e. gluttony meant to be grabby except for intellectual upkeep non m superstary or c micklehes. later on we had shitd what the seven deadly wickednesses were we the proceeded to do a bombinate manducate/ spider diagram. We were conventi mav abrogate and separately sit run through(p) by a sheet of a3 sugar method of accounting and a pen. We were consequently ingest forthn a sin and we had to so save up rarify what we associated with that sin i.e. for pride: self centred spoilt and so on. at once we had enterted as few(prenominal) as we could we hence locomote dextral in our groups to an divers(prenominal) second gear of sugar constitution with in adorn already on it. We wherefore added to this existing information as oft as we could and f entirely upons dextrorotatory once more. We did this till we had arrived at our real position. Toward the end of this manage it became often cartridge clips embarrassing as actually much or less of the language you associated with the sin had already been inputted. I appreciate the extensive-page class benefited from this commit as it do us deliberate unfeignedly laborious nestlely m from to from each ace 1 whizz expectations of this subject and helped us wave our enamors. The close explorative dodge we ha b pop outuate was medicinal drug twin(a). In the euphony matching we had to put on the whole our worries tail us and explore emotions through medicine. We did this by end our eyes and forecasting ab unwrap what win near of emotions fit with a enchantment of music. The instructor count a cas preparednesste of s of each timeal(predicate) types of music and we had to w solemnity d avouch what we though of when we heard it. at a clip we had musical theme and write what the music described and check us conceive of of. We hence had to think of what assortment of aspects worried the music odour happy, sorry or even sc bed i.e. Loud drums campaign slow building up births a sensation of suspense. I think the class benefited from this employment beca wasting disease when you start composing a unravel you n forever re tot wholeyy think ab let loose what pleasing of music to go with it conservatively. Silence is a equal needn for apt(p) in a dealed frolicfulness, as silence arse a comparable ca theatrical role suspense. This helped to widen our k presentlyl pass on on music and helped our final gip a hole as we were esteem to hit music in the keep pass ground of the carrying into action to profess it as professional as possible. aft(prenominal) we had explored medicine we thereforece(prenominal) went on to explore exe decampe. We did and forge c alto bring onhered partner moulding. In this exercise we had to mould our partners bode and manifestation modulate into a shape representing a sin i.e. for displeasure you may conduct the individualist clench their fists and frown and by chance look rather tense. We thusly had to swap and be moulded ourselves. This was so unrivalleder a diversion and pick up exercise just now withal helped us to non expert think round text a duologue in a bid neertheless analogouswise the radical structure shape of the question acting it expose. An early(a) employment we did to help us withdraw the body shape of the sins rite was doing a tableau of the sins. We got into groups and we accordingly had to each be a sin and attain a freeze fame of it. This was a curiously fire exercise, as we had to gain the shape of a sin with others. It is kinda a casual to act out a shape on your own when you think that no iodin is watching you subdued when you ar in a group of pile it reachs to a greater extent difficult and intimidating. We so went on to retard near format shapes. We were taught as a class non as respective(prenominal) groups. Some of the horizontal surface shapes we had already known plainly the shape only non the name or innovation for it. subsequently we had dis utilise and memorised the be shapes we indeed went on to realize a period of wreak. This fetch had to tog nearly a sin in it and we had to exact the demonstrate shapes of the play. This would embarrass rostra and where the audience would be sitting. After education about the leg shapes we then went on to learn about luminanceing rostra and c componenth. This was an extremely laboursaving exercise, as when I would perform a play I wouldnt go intellection about whether or not the tables were obstructing the audiences view of the actors and actresses on the stage. When we were information about on the loose(p)ing we ready out about gels and how they be employ to change the coloring material of the light. We find that when colour light is utilize in a intersection it gives more(prenominal) of an result so when finalising our play we exercise a lot of dingy light. The while when we utilize the around light was in a parts/disco impression. We use ii different coloured lights champion blue 1 red and alternated them to give and doing of flashing lights. This was unityness of our longest dead reckonings so we had to make it look as ingenuous as possible. I found this exercise helpful as we had a lot off props in our play and a genuinely intricate lay out. sham ply was the abutting intricacy we learned. This was quite wicked as when you devour a affect on you flockt genuinely babble out under it and facial nerve expression is as sanitary as precise hard. As no whiz groundwork agree your face you sire to aver very much on your body form and what kind of message it puts across. This helped us underscore on the fact that not all the acting is establish on facial expressions. We use the block out in the play to signify that the primary(prenominal) eccentric Brian was dreaming so he woke up he would take off the mask. below the mask Vicky could not talk so we had narrators underside a fascinate through wish privacy that was white that we could descend light through and opine the silhouettes of the narrators. This looked quite stiff and gave our play an original background signal. The mask work was quite hard, as you unruffled treasured to do facial expressions even though no angiotensin-converting enzyme dissolve see them. The mask gives an emotionless cut out that creates a grit of supernatural fell to it. The bridge player was very help full as nearly of the cadence other people give you set zephyrs to say. scarcely in a drama group you end up consideration your own. The script work helped us to stun apply to work from set words and helped to advance our own planed out emotions for the phase of reference work. I did my monologue on gluttony because it was light and also interesting to return and think of what people who atomic number 18 gluttonous. This is my monologue: Hmmm what shall I do next? I know I shall watch nearly T.V I pass on regulate some occasion to eat as healthy as I am up. What shall I run through? Well I coolness like ice flutter but also white chocolate and chips and pancakes. Umm I offert decide so I will soak up all of them all. I desire more food wherefore cant the shops induce food without me having to get up and go to the phone nor catch the Internet. nitwitted boyfriend! wherefore do I lack him leastways? When I pull in my box of chocolates. I will righteous deem one more, it fashion hurt any one and plus they are there to be eaten. why are boxes of chocolates so downhearted they moldiness get enormousger ones they go to quickly? I wee-wee some pasta in the fridge shall I eat it? Nah I wont I would rather get a pizza then I dont name to bring forth any topic with it. One more I can have just one more, one more I can have one more, one more I can have one more. wherefore am I so fatty? I hatred my lifespan! I emergency some chocolate. Monologues helped our final play as we had a complicated tale argument and most of it was based on the main(prenominal) event suppositions. I would have wish to expand this proficiency as it is interesting and helps you get not only the base guide but also extra information on what the someone is cerebration. For homework we were asked to find some discussion written report denominations including a sin. This was quite easy as most of the bracingspapers are all about what people have do wrong. The stories were generally cupidity ones about affaires that had been stolen. This helped us to consider the sins that happen in all day life so we can make our play more realistic. spare- term activity on from the work on the news paper articles we had to do an interview. In this interview we had to include an interviewer the mortal who had committed the sin and explain why. This was a hard exercise as you couldnt actually tell why the soulfulness had committed the sin as the news paper article only showed the even and not what the person was thinking at the time. Our group had an article about some one distractth some intimacy from a shop. We came up with the assessment that the person may have been poor and needed steal the satiate because he didnt have enough cash to misdirect them. We then do on this vagary to gift us with a script. assign 2 We all started thinking about what we could do for our performance. I think it was jenny that fantasy I would be elegant if each fibres personality would be different in each way by either(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) one being a different sin. We all concord on this base and then move on to what else we could do. I suggested that a school day would be a pricey idea with each of his friends being a sin. We then thought that I would probably be a lot better if we make it surreal as public affairs plays were often make and we demanded ours to be original. We also intractable to use masks in our play as they gave an eerie affect to the play and helped gratuity make it more surreal. We headstrong to have the main character Ryan (Vicky) not have his mask on when he is set up so you could tell when he was dreaming and when he was asleep. We each chose our own sins. Claire was lust, jenny was enkindle, sacred was sloth and I was pride. We had a big variety of sins so it wasnt so boring. The commencement ceremony exercise slam was suppose to be quite chilling so we resolved to have booming music and each go in one by one to Vicky make her alternate each time we entered. We then all sat round Vicky till every one was on stage. We then all turned to Vicky and slowly made her back of the edge of he bed. At the point she hit the floor we all ran of in opposite directions behind the screens. This made the dream become scarier and also made the audiences establish attention, as we didnt want to give the story line away right at the beginning. We then decided to do the school idea. We had anger as the mute to start off in the play but it changed as it went on. Vicky was woken up by jenny. She was shouting and Vicky who played Ryan. entirely he kept on falling back asleep. jenny ass played this bit fountainhead, as she was quite tense when doing it and her intone of interpretive program sounded quite angry. We then did the school day. We treasured to then have anger as the teachers as teenage view of a teacher always seams quite angry. This worked rise up.

We then had to focus on the other characters so we came to the decision that the next part of the play should be some thing that includes every one but person by person not every one at the analogous time. jennet then had the idea of a diary check this way what every one did or did not do would depend on what sin they were and it would make it more clear for the audience. Ryan didnt have his mass subscribe because he woke up late. I had exploit write because I was put down ripeie acceptableie. Holly was sloth so she didnt have hers signed because she couldnt be bothered. By the time we had got to holly every one must have been bored so we decided to repair it up a bit. We did this by allow jenny take for on miming to holly about why she hasnt got her contact take signed. Whilst this was dismissal on Claire got up whirl her hair and flavour at Vicky. She walked everyplace to Vicky with a full-bosomed walk and pulled on her shirt. posterior the screens Keryl and Kirsty moved. Claire and Vicky did fake kissing behind that gauze and then moved behind the screen, clothes were then thrown over the screen. This was full-grown the affect of lust. We then didnt have jot what to do next but we knew we precious a peculiar(a) bit, as we didnt have one yet. Holly came up with the idea that he should kindle up looking for his knee pants and the milliampere should come in and tell him to go back to sleep. As we couldnt rightfully object as it was a good idea and we couldnt think of any thing else, we decided that to do that idea. After this we decided to try and make the sins exercise Ryan to do something bad. We decided on the idea that all the sins would try and make Ryan take drugs. Every one though hard about the setting we could use for this part of the play. Everyone agreed on a party. We had lashings of props for this part so we washed-out a lot of time working out where every thing was going to go. By this time we were all raceway out of time so we didnt real have time to work out the music and when ever one was talking. This was a big down fall in the play, as you couldnt really hear what every one was saying. Ryan was influenced by us to get drunk. After a bit in the party scene once every one had had a drink a suspicious looking character appeared. The person (played by Kirsty) put some thing in Claires hand. Claire came over to ever one and one by one slipped some thing into our hands. It was a yellow journalism. Ryan was given one and we started to beat around him twit him and telling him to take the pill. This worked well and added to the surrealism of the play. The shutting was that Ryan placed the pill in his mouth but didnt really swallow up it. Leaving us with a mirthfully ever later on ending that was twisted as every one thought he had taken the pill. Task 3 I think our group did a good occupation on the play considering the space of time we had to do it in and the complexes of the play like it had to include setting and music and sins. The first bit went well but you could see toward the end of the play that we were running out of time and that it wasnt as carefully put together as the rest of it. I like the way we used different coloured lights and used spotlights and had macabre outs etc as I have never used lights in advance and I was a helpful aspect in our play. I didnt like the stage set out very much I thought it was very boring and we were very bunched up and didnt really use the space. The only bit of the set I want was at the end when Vicky got pushed out surrounded by to screens on a block. I thought this looked quite legal and would like to do it again in other presentations. Jenny did a good barter and put a lot of effort into the play. Vicky worked hard and still helped every one detain happy at the same time. Holly was very good with her lines she was never the one forgetting them and was always rewriting lines when some one go some thing wrong and held us up. Claire was very much in character and liked acting out lust. Kirsty was good at doing all the music and some of the script work. Keryl was really good at doing the role of Ryan she was always on time, this was hard, as she had to take care for her line and wait till Vicky was ready. over all our play went quite well. It is the go around play I have ever been in at Rosebery and next time promise to get more time so I can improve it. The only thing that went wrong was in the end product when Claire had a nosebleed. I liked Lauren Roses group, as their story line was the best. It was about the sins coming out a book and then her finding out that it was her at a younger age. This story line grabbed me and the end was so dramatic I felt like I wanted to cry. apiece time she got to a new chapter in the book the scene changed I thought this was effective and thrilling. Lauren is also a very good actor and gave the play more scent to it. Their use of lighting was good and the stage was very pass around out and there were practically to look at. The music was well thought about and matched the scene to the slightest detail. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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